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Ответы на школьные экзамены
По всем предметам 9 и 11 классов!

ЕГЭ 2011
Все о едином государственном экзамене 2011 года.

Мобильные шпаргалки
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Литература и русский язык:
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- Биографии писателей и поэтов
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Иностранные языки:
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- Шпаргалка по англ. языку
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Психологическая подготовка к экзаменам

Коллекция рефератов

- Таблица Менделеева
- Единицы измерения
- Гороскоп школьника
- Информация о ЦТ 2008

К оглавлению /

The problems of teenagers

There are many young people in our country. Each of them has one's own view point on their life and their future. There are many problems which are common for all young people.For Example: how to spend their free time, what to do after school, choosing a profession, how to deal with girl and boy-friends and so on. The problem number one of most of the young people is the problem of fathers and sons. All young people want to be independent, they want their parents to listen to their opinion, not to interfere in their private life. Some parents neglect their children, because they cant find a common language with each other. Many problems were hushed up, but now we can speak openly about them. I think that the most difficult and sirious problem of modern teen-ages is drug-habit. Some young man use drugs, because they think that will be cool guys. But they don't understand, that it's wrong. Some of them can't stop that, and they become dependent on drugs. And they commit different serious, because they need some money to buy drugs. There are also many other problems: alchoholism, smokin and so on. There are many youth organisations in our country, wich unite young men on different principles. Members of every organisation has ons own world out looks. Each of them has their own morral qualities. There are some informal organisations, for example: skinheads, hippies, panks and so on. Now there exists the problem of missundrstanding beetwen different youth groups. We also face the problem how to spend our free time. We can do it in different ways. Some of teenagers spend their free time in different night clubs. Other young people spend their free time in the strets. As for me, i spend my free time at home or in the night clubs. I also have some problems with my parents. But every time then i have them i try to slove them without quorrel. Now we are young people and we are the future of our country. Teenagers play an important role in the modern society. Grown up's must remember that we are the future of our country and in present moment our character is formed and that's why our parents must not assert pressure on us.

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