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Art And Music Essays
A story about seeing MxPx
A story about seeing NOFX
Against Music Censorship
Akai MPC2000 (MIDI Production Center)
Ambient music and the impulse towards deconstruction
Andy Warhol
Ansel Adams - Early Morning, Merced River
Are Asher Lev's Paintings Disrespectful to his Parents?
Art Theories and Influence on Artists
Art: The Ultimate Expression
Artists throughout History That Have Self-Destructed
Beauty Queen of Lenane
Beck's Music
Beethoven, Bach and Bartok: Comparisons
Berry Gordy: Father of the Motown Sound
Beto cuevas
Black Nationalism and the Revolution in Music
Cats in the Cradle - Appreciation
Censorship In Music
Cezanne and Pollock
Charles Blackman Art Analysis
Dance and body Expression
David Sculptures
Development and Demise of the "Seattle Sound"
Differing Mentalities In Hip Hop And Rock
Eminem (The real Marshall)
Eminem's Controversial Lyrics
Examination of Music History
Feng Shui: An Introduction to Good Luck.
Form and Malignant Form
Frederic Chopin
Giuseppe Verdi
Haydn, Mozart and Beethoven
How politically liberating is rap music?
Iconographical Analysis: di Nardo, 'Adoration of the Magi'
Jimi Hendrix: Are You Experienced?
Johann Sebastian Bach
Journal On Rapoport
Kurt Cobain & Jim Morrison - Poets of a generation
La Jetee - Report
Leda Atomica
Leonardo da Vinci in Milan according to Giorgione Vasari.
Like A Prayer Music Video Analysis
Madonna BIography
Manet - Still Life
Masaccio: The Holy Trinity
Melting Clocks
Miles Davis and the development of improvisation in jazz music
Modern Music
Modernist and Post Modernist comparative essay (Dali & Duchamp)
Mr. Tambourine Man by Bob Dylan - Why it is a Classic
Music a Reflection of Culture
Music as a Nationalistic Tool
Music Censorship
Music of the 60s
Music Today : Just a Bunch of Garbage?
Picasso - Cultural Expression
Piss Christ - Paradoxes of Aesthetics
Quick History of Art
Raku Ware and Staffordshire Pottery
Rap and Censorship
Rap Vs Poetry
Recording Studio Technology and the Producer
Renaissance Art
Salvador Dali
Sandro Botticelli: The Renaissance Artist
Sculpture of the Old Kingdom of Ancient Egypt
Self-portraits - Van Gogh and Rembrandt
Sweeny Todd
Techno Schmechno: a postmodern approach to electronica
The Basic Dilemma of the Artist
The Beatles
The Beatles
The Birth of Sun Paintings
The Doors
The Gross Clinic
The History of Rave Music
The Last Supper
The Rebirth of American Musical Theatre
The Renaissance (1400-1520 AD)
The Scream, Society, and the Common Man
The Winged Human-headed Bull
Themes of Bob Dylan's Music
Tim Storrier
Unique Photographers: Their Lives and Their Art
Van Gogh: The Expressionist
Van Gogh - There are several van Goghs
Visit to an Asian art Collection
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