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К оглавлению /
British holidays
There are many holidays in Great Britain. The main are Christmas and Bank holidays. Christmas is celebrated on the 25th of December and symbolizes the birthday of Christ. This day is marked by setting the fur-tree and decorating it with different toys and candles. Children wait for Santa Claus who comes to every house and brings presents. Going to bed children leave their stockings and shoes to receive presents the next morning. There are a lot of parties organized by people to celebrate this wonderful holiday. Young people like to spend it together in good companies. There are a lot of fun and jokes on that day. Meeting the New Year Eve is held in family in England. Some people in Scotland go outside and meet New Year on squares singing songs or dancing. The first man coming to you after New Year Eve may bring you luck, expecially if he comes with a piece of bread and coal. Bread symbolized wealth and coal- warmth. Children like this holiday very much. They go from house to house, sing songs and congratulate people. People treat them candies or give them little money. Bank holidays are celebrated four time a year. This day is the day-off for everybody because all banks and all places of business are closed. Englishmen spend this holiday in the country.