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ЕГЭ 2011
Все о едином государственном экзамене 2011 года.

Мобильные шпаргалки
По всем предметам!

Готовые домашние задания
Для 10 и 11 классов!

Литература и русский язык:
- Рефераты по литературе
- Сочинения для мобильника
- Изложения (9 класс)
- Биографии писателей и поэтов
- Экзаменационные вопросы по русскому языку
- Хрестоматия по русской литературе
- Рекомендации к письменному экзамену по русскому языку и литературе (сочинение)
- Орфографии и пунктуации
- Скачать изложения
- Шпаргалка по литературе
- Шпаргалка по русскому языку

- Рефераты по истории
- Доклады по знаменитым личностям
- Карты по истории России
- Шпаргалка по истории

Иностранные языки:
- Топики по английскому языку
- Топики по немецкому языку
- Англо-русский словарь
- Шпаргалка по англ. языку
- Полезные материалы

Психологическая подготовка к экзаменам

Коллекция рефератов

- Таблица Менделеева
- Единицы измерения
- Гороскоп школьника
- Информация о ЦТ 2008

К оглавлению /


The Lumiere brothers made their first film in 1895. This film was demonstrated in one famous cafe in Paris. The first films were silent and short, but they were popular among people. The USA was the leader in the production of films. The first sound film appeared in 1927. Soon coloured films appeared. Cinematography has a long history in our country too. Pioneers of the Russian cinema were Protozanov, Gardin, later Pudovkin and Dovzhenko. At that time films were silent and black-and-white. Later films became sound and colourful. Some years ago it was popular to go to the cinemas in Moscow. It was difficult to buy a ticket for a good film and we had to stand in a queue for hours. But now we prefer to stay at home and watch TV and video films. In England the cinema is usually called "the pictures". The prices of cinema seats in London are high. In the past cinemas were more popular than they are now. It is interesting that in some towns in Britain the cinemas are closed on Sundays. I like to see documentary films best of all. Some of them are rather interesting, because they tell us the truth about the history of our country. I like to see films about school life. As I study at school, such films are connected with me. It is interesting to see films bout school life in England, France, Spain and in the USA. It is interesting to know about foreign education and to see their schools. My favourite Russian film is "Moscow doesn't believe in tears". It is the true story about the girl. She leaves her village for Moscow. This film tells us about her difficulties, about her wish to live in the capital, about her friends. I am sure that it is a kind and a clever film.

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